The Sprint to 2023 ~ 10 Nov 2022

Before you know it, 2022 becomes viewable only in the rearview mirror. A sprint to the New Year actively works through the transits in play. Given life’s distractions, the holidays, and the “stuff” that’s out there, the need for focus and attention to all factors at hand reign supreme.

On 23 November Jupiter turns direct in Pisces. This serves up a tentative sigh of relief and infusion of hope. Jupiter’s sign change next month presents a less timid perception of daring to be optimistic. Regardless, in the moment Jupiter’s efforts factor against Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, now waning in potency as Saturn skips out of range of the retrograding Uranus. Regardless, the Saturn to Uranus quadrature played out as a huge influence during this week’s lunar eclipse. While the passion and projection of the Scorpionic eclipse stirred simmering souls closer to boil, Saturn and Uranus pounded out their cosmic agenda. Quite simply, passion wants what it wants and projects itself onto other transits in play. While many stated definitive outcomes and intended results, the elements of the widening square declared, “Nobody knows nothing, and while we’re at it, we take our sauntering sweet time in manifesting results. We’ll get there. On our clock.”

Simply, Saturn to Uranus signifies that things will not be the same. Neither will outcomes comply with expectations or wishes. Sure, submit your desired want list to Santa, but petition

transits in play to account for unknown variables that may enhance outcomes and grant Universal providence which, in fact, may exceed mundane expectations. Such results certainly lie outside the box of projections and expectations biased by experience and personal history

Best to consider those all strange attractions and gravitations that overpower whim and fancy. Such current compelling influences fall under the auspices of the magnificent Great Attractor (who weighs in at 14 Sagittarius 20 or thereabouts). The Great Attractor provides grand insight and focuses intention from every known frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum. It offers profound knowledge and inspiration. It demands all persons, places and things be included. It insists upon full disclosure and will reveal intentions and acts that one fights to keep out of sight to preserve less than ideal pursuits and objectives. It insists upon above board progress in all things.

The gravitational breadth of the Great Attractor is so extreme that the transits following to be defined are in play now. The dates given below indicate maximum Great Attractor intensity though the ongoing effects continue at least until the middle of December.

On 26 November Mercury stands precisely conjunct the Great Attractor. You know what needs to be said. Are you going to say it without sugarcoating? Truth is truth, right? A cosmic fact is a Universal truth and no matter how one seeks to spin things, the Universe guides us all regardless of disinformation, misinformation or even worse, consciously spewed statements that lack truthful merit. Work this pattern late in the month to honestly declare what must be declared that is included in your decision making processes.

The very next day, 27 November, Venus matches Mercury’s alignment with the Great Attractor. Here it’s less about a statement of truth and more about actual worth, value and merit that can be extracted via cosmic compliance. It is categorically true that those who follow Universal directives end up in better places faster and clear of contrivances at the destination. Making this point resonates with anyone seeking a materially sound foothold on planet Earth.

Next, on 06 December the Sun stands atop the degree of the Great Attractor. Here it all comes back to you. How does it feel to be on the right side of things? How does it feel to invoke cosmic knowledge? How does it feel to be perceived as one who knows things and benefits from following wisdom received? How does it feel to be consistent and in accord with your beliefs without exception and justification? Time to find out and feel that fit.

Come 18 December Ceres enters Libra. This is a major planetary shift and induces an immediate change in sense of direction and tidal variation. Things are different. Collectively a shift from judgment and criticism and pointing out what’s wrong leans into a need for fairness and equilibrium. Win-win consciousness kicks out zero-sum thinking. Things will feel better!

On 20 December Jupiter returns to Aries and for most of the world in the Eris in Aries generation the emphasis of the next months is to find your fit not only in the world, but within your being. When the soul feels a tailored fit within the body and accord with life circumstances, the sense of being included, seen, recognized and respected closely follows. It is not about demanding respect from others... ultimately it is about respecting yourself, your attributes and your intention to manifest all that you are in the most ideal form you can. As the next solstice arrives, declare your merit, worth and value to the cosmos. Absorb those declarations and believe in them as if there’s no tomorrow.

Sure as 29 December rolls around Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn. Maybe take a different tact for New Year celebrations. Certainly this does not suggest putting life on hold. Merely, the essence is clearly to pause before speaking and ensure the next words out of your mouth are true and uphold the greatest vision of how you intend all things to turn out. Then there’s no need to wait or to put activities on hold.

Some may wait until 12 January for Mars to turn direct in Gemini before engaging the year. Others hold out until 18 January when Mercury turns direct in Capricorn. Others may pause until 22 January matching efforts with Uranus resuming prograde motion in Taurus.

However, should one sprint and engage the planetary influences in play leading up to the solstice, image how much further down the road one might be. This not only puts 2022 as a smaller influence in the rear view mirror, the forward facing action grants a leg up on getting the best from the year ahead.

More soon.... and next up, a look at compelling causes demanding your attention.